12x12 Lean To Shed Plan
sku (shed12x12-LT)
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How To Build A Shed eBook included with every shed plans purchase.
Instant download - The shed plans are emailed to you so you can start immediately.
Materials List - Easily get bids
Easy To Build From - Professionally drawn. See example below.
More images of the 12x12 Lean To Shed Plans
12x12 Lean To Shed Plans End View
12x12 Lean To Shed Plans Left Rear
12x12 Lean To Shed Plans Right Rear
12x12 Lean To Shed Plans Right
12x12 Lean To Shed Floor Plan

12x12 Lean To Shed Plans Example:
FREE 12x12 Lean To Shed Materials List (Click to Download)

12x12 Lean To Shed Plans Include The Following:
- Materials List: The shed plans come with a complete materials list that is broken down by parts of the shed.
- 5 Foundations: The shed plans include plans for a wood rail foundation, concrete slab, poured pier, concrete block pier, treated wood on crushed gravel.
- Floor: 2x6 floor joists with 3/4" floor sheathing.
- Walls Framing: 2x4 framing at 16" on center with a double top plate, just like a home is framed.
- Wall Height: The shed wall height is drawn to 7'-7" for the short wall and 9'-6" for the tall wall.
- Door: Home Built Door or Factory Built Doors
- Door Size - 6'-0" x 6'-8"
- Siding: T-111 exterior siding. Other sidings such as vinyl or cement based sidings may be used.
- Roof: The roof is framed using 2x8's to build the rafters. It is sheeted with 1/2" O.S.B. The plans give you the dimensions and cut angles so you can build the roof rafters on the ground and then put them up on the top plates.
- Roof Pitch: 2/12, this means that for every 2 inches of rise there is 12 inches of run horizontally.
- Roof Overhang: 6" on the sides and 6" on the front and back.
- Roofing: Low slope PBR metal roofing or 25 year asphalt shingles using the manufacturers low slope installation instructions.
- Windows: No windows shown on plans but you can install windows using the instructions in the included How To Build A Shed Manual.
- Trim: 1x4 and 1x6 wood, masonite or cement trim materials are used to finish the corners, roof eves and facia, and door.
- Floor Load: 50 pounds per square foot for framed floors. You don't want your shed floor to feel spongy.
- Roof Snow Load: 40 pounds per square foot. This is more than adequate for most areas. If you live in an area with a high snow load you should check with your local building department for your local snow load. A stronger roof can be constructed by installing the roof rafters at 16" on center and / or using 5/8" O.S.B. instead of the specified 7/16".